NAPKON Pediatrics Module
1.0.0 - trial-use

NAPKON Pediatrics Module - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: NapkonPediatricsModule


Defining URL:
Status:Active as of 2021-12-03

NAPKON Pediatrics Module Code System - Collection of pediatrics module-specific codes that are missing from common terminologies such as SNOMED CT

Publisher:Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Content:Complete: All the concepts defined by the code system are included in the code system resource
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

P1 Sphingosine analogue
P2 Interleukin 2 receptor antagonist
P3 Interleukin 17 receptor antagonist
P4 Anti-CD20 antibody
P5 Anti-CD52 antibody
P6 Anti-CD3 antibody
P7 Anti-CD3/CD19 antibody
P8 Integrin inhibitor
P9 B cell activating factor inhibitor
P10 Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-Kinase inhibitor