NAPKON Pediatrics Module
1.0.0 - trial-use

NAPKON Pediatrics Module - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Value Set of Chronic Kidney Diseases


Defining URL:
Title:Value Set of Chronic Kidney Diseases
Status:Active as of 2021-10-18

Chronic kidney diseases in the context of pediatrics

Publisher:Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle


Logical Definition (CLD)

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:



This value set has >1000 codes in it. In order to keep the publication size manageable, only a selection (1000 codes) of the whole set of codes is shown

Expansion based on SNOMED CT International edition 31-Jul 2021

All codes in this table are from the system

90708001:246454002=255399007Kidney disease where Occurrence = Congenital
128606002:246454002=255399007Disorder of the urinary system where Occurrence = Congenital
90708001Kidney disease
193003Benign hypertensive renal disease
290006Melnick-Fraser syndrome
1426004Necrotizing glomerulonephritis
1474004Hypertensive heart AND renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth
1592005Failed attempted abortion with uremia
1776003Renal tubular acidosis
3321001Renal abscess
3704008Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis
3999002Acute pyelitis without renal medullary necrosis
4390004Lithium nephropathy
4451004Illegal abortion with renal tubular necrosis
4495005Congenital hypertrophy of ureteric valve
4576001Legal abortion complicated by renal failure
4676006SLE glomerulonephritis syndrome, WHO class II
5397007Congenital anomaly of renal pelvis
7448003Acute pyonephrosis with renal medullary necrosis
7703001Renal tubular defect
7724006Nephritic syndrome
7725007Radiation nephritis
8199003Focal embolic nephritis syndrome
8468007Legal abortion with uremia
8996006Illegal abortion complicated by renal failure
9264002Laceration of kidney with open wound into abdominal cavity
9298006Hematoma of kidney without rupture of capsule AND without open wound into abdominal cavity
9918001Floating kidney
11013005SLE glomerulonephritis syndrome, WHO class VI
11480007Idiopathic granulomatous interstitial nephropathy
11659006Uremic neuropathy
12897005Congenital stricture of ureteropelvic junction
13335004Sclerosing glomerulonephritis
13530005Congenital lobulation of kidney
13886001Sickle cell nephropathy
13889008Methyl CCNU nephropathy
14178006Double renal pelvis
14343001Acute pyelitis with renal medullary necrosis
14669001Acute renal failure syndrome
14973001Renal sclerosis with hypertension
15123008Familial amyloid nephropathy with urticaria AND deafness
16297002Congenital hydronephrosis
16507009Ectopic kidney
16652001Fabry's disease
16726004Renal osteodystrophy
16751003Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis associated with systemic infection
16756008Albuminuria in pregnancy without hypertension
17121006Mumps nephritis
17380002Failed attempted abortion with acute renal failure
17901006Primary hyperoxaluria
18417009Oligomeganephronic hypoplasia of kidney
19351000Acute glomerulonephritis
20341008Injury of kidney without open wound into abdominal cavity
20483002Legal abortion with renal tubular necrosis
20917003Chronic glomerulonephritis
21764004Renal carnitine transport defect
21952001Cystinuria, type 2
22011005Hartnup disorder, renal type
22352007Acute bacterial tubulointerstitial nephritis
22846003Hepatorenal syndrome following delivery
22966008Hypertensive heart AND renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy
23697004Crush syndrome
23754003Calculous pyelonephritis
24790002Proximal renal tubular acidosis
24814002Potter's facies
25646005Isolated cystinuria
25765006Neonatal iminoglycinuria
25821008Focal glomerular sclerosis
26121002Balkan nephropathy
26235008Renal tubular necrosis following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy
26367008Radiographic contrast agent nephropathy
27810000Acute viral tubulointerstitial nephritis
28196006Uremia following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy
28637003Acute interstitial nephritis
28770003Polycystic kidney disease, infantile type
29908007Oliguria following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy
30124006Rupture of kidney
30275001Accessory kidney
30295007Renal glucosuria, type B
31005002Hepatorenal syndrome due to a procedure
31881008Cardiovascular renal disease
32093003Acute drug-induced tubulointerstitial nephritis
32278006Myeloma kidney
32659003Congenital hypoplasia of kidney
32801008Acute pyelitis
33561005Illegal abortion with acute renal failure
33763006Hypercalcemic nephropathy
34165000Gestational proteinuria
35455006Acute tubular necrosis
35546006Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
36225005Acute renal failure due to procedure
36388008Stricture of pelviureteric junction
36402006SLE glomerulonephritis syndrome, WHO class IV
36568005Hemolytic uremic syndrome of childhood
36689008Acute pyelonephritis
36891003Hartnup disorder, renal/jejunal type
37061001Granulomatous sarcoid nephropathy
37085009Shunt nephritis
37133005Tuberculous pyelitis
37183000Cystinuria, type 1
37497004Enteric hyperoxaluria
37779008Pyeloureteritis cystica
38046004Diffuse type diabetic glomerulosclerosis
38481006Hypertensive renal disease
38898003Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
39734002Renal glucosuria, type O
40095003Injury of kidney
40233000Nephrotic-nephritic syndrome
40488004Fanconi syndrome
40951006Primary hyperoxaluria, type II
41305006Secondary oxalosis
41729002Horseshoe kidney
41962002Oligohydramnios sequence
42399005Renal failure syndrome
42496002Cystinuria, type 3
42927005Cholemic nephrosis
43258006Milk alkali syndrome
43629001Renal failure following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy
44323002Tuberculosis of kidney
44513007Congenital anomaly of the kidney
44785005Minimal change disease
45646000Subacute milk alkali syndrome
45743004Duodenorenal fistula
45812003Familial methionine malabsorption
45927004Immunologic mediated tubulointerstitial nephritis (disorder)
46177005End stage kidney disease
46785007Familial juvenile gout
47330001Idiopathic acute interstitial nephritis
48061001Congenital calculus of kidney
48655003Isolated familial renal hypomagnesemia
48713002Amyloid nephropathy
48796009Congenital nephrotic syndrome
49008000Malrotation of kidney
49102001Hypertensive heart AND renal disease in obstetric context
49171007Hypertensive renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth
49220004Hypertensive renal failure
49708008Anemia of chronic renal failure
50581000Goodpasture's syndrome
50909009Antifreeze oxalosis
51292008Hepatorenal syndrome
52042003SLE glomerulonephritis syndrome, WHO class V
52254009Nephrotic syndrome
52342006Legal abortion with acute renal failure
53378008Salt-wasting syndrome of infancy
53556002Cis-platinum nephropathy
54155004Illegal abortion with uremia
54781007Hyperkalemia, diminished renal excretion
54879000Hypokalemic nephropathy
54967001Double kidney
55006001Light chain nephropathy
55536001Congenital malposition of kidney
55652009Idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis, type III
55856005Congenital hyperplasia of kidney
56108007Pelvic kidney
56906005Hematoma of kidney without rupture of capsule AND with open wound into abdominal cavity
57088004Microcystic renal disease
57557005Chronic milk alkali syndrome
57684003Parenchymal renal hypertension
57873008Hypertensive renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during puerperium
58574008Acute nephropathy
58797008Complication of transplanted kidney
59400006Analgesic nephropathy
59479006Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, type II
59530001Syphilis of kidney
59531002Tryptophan malabsorption syndrome
59758007Trifid pelvis of kidney
60926001Chronic interstitial nephritis
61165007Hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
61474001Injury of kidney with open wound into abdominal cavity
61503006Acute nephritis
61598006Glycogenosis with glucoaminophosphaturia
61852001Ask-Upmark kidney
62216007Familial arthrogryposis-cholestatic hepatorenal syndrome
62240004Benign arteriolar nephrosclerosis
62332007Infantile nephropathic cystinosis
62853008Anti-glomerular basement membrane tubulointerstitial nephritis (disorder)
63302006Chronic pyelonephritis
63510008Nodular type diabetic glomerulosclerosis
64168005Idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis, type I
64212008Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis
64323009Complete disruption of kidney parenchyma without open wound into cavity
65443008Malignant hypertensive renal disease
65520001Primary hyperoxaluria, type I
66052004Benign hypertensive heart AND renal disease
66451004Familial visceral amyloidosis, Ostertag type
66610008Malignant hypertensive heart AND renal disease
66709007Hypertensive renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy
66993009Acute infectious tubulointerstitial nephritis
67132008Hypoxic nephrosis
68544003Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
68779003Primary IgA nephropathy
68815009SLE glomerulonephritis syndrome
69718008Oxalate nephropathy
70092007Contusion of kidney
71064009Acquired polycystic kidney disease
71909003Acute renal failure following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy
73030000Hypertensive renal disease in obstetric context
73286009SLE glomerulonephritis syndrome, WHO class I
73305009Fibrillary glomerulonephritis
74324004Laceration of kidney without open wound into abdominal cavity
74594005Crossed renal ectopia
75030003Renal glucosuria, type A
75150001Renal disease in pregnancy AND/OR puerperium without hypertension
75652008Familial renal iminoglycinuria
75712001Renal coccidiosis
75888001Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, type I
76224000Hemoglobinuric nephrosis
76521009SLE glomerulonephritis syndrome, WHO class III
77182004Membranous glomerulonephritis
77186001Failed attempted abortion with renal tubular necrosis
77624000Volume excess, primary renal sodium retention
77945009Simple renal cyst
78209002Hemolytic uremic syndrome, adult type
78311009Histidine transport defect
78544004Chronic hypertensive uremia
78815005Hereditary tubulointerstitial disorder
79385002Lowe syndrome
80119007Pericarditis secondary to uremia
80321008Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
80902009Neutral 1 amino acid transport defect
81363003Malignant arteriolar nephrosclerosis
81475007Acquired nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
81896006Dysmorphic sialidosis with renal involvement
81986001Renal secondary osteodystrophia fibrosa
81987005Familial hypokalemic alkalosis, Gullner type
82112005Idiopathic chronic interstitial nephritis
82525005Congenital cystic kidney disease
83563007Renal hemosiderosis
83850008Uremic acidosis
83866005Focal AND segmental proliferative glomerulonephritis
83923004Familial interstitial nephritis
85487008Renal phosphaturia
85495007Acute pyonephrosis without renal medullary necrosis
86234004Hypertensive heart AND renal disease
86249007Obstructive nephropathy
86463003Solitary multilocular renal cyst
88102009Nodular renal blastema
88380005Acute milk alkali syndrome
88531004Hypertrophy of kidney
89637003Pyelitis glandularis
90241004Papillary necrosis
90493000Arteriolar nephrosclerosis
90688005Chronic renal failure syndrome
91003006Salt-losing nephropathy
91195006Acute fungal tubulointerstitial nephritis
92165001Benign neoplasm of kidney
92319008Benign neoplasm of renal pelvis
92624000Carcinoma in situ of kidney
92697000Carcinoma in situ of renal pelvis
92921005Congenital abnormal shape of kidney
92975004Congenital absence of renal papilla
93290000Congenital hypoplasia of renal pelvis
93425004Discoloration of kidney
93849006Primary malignant neoplasm of kidney
93985007Primary malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis
94360002Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney
94514000Secondary malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis
94889006Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of kidney
95025009Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of renal pelvis
95568003Renal tubular disorder
95570007Kidney stone
95571006Hemorrhage of kidney
95575002Obstruction of pelviureteric junction
95577005Renal interstitial fibrosis
95581005Bilateral hydronephrosis
95582003Kidney crystallization
102803006Absence of renin secretion
105999006Acquired renal cystic disease
106000008Metabolic renal disease
109477002Enamel-renal syndrome
111395007Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
111403005Lipomatosis renis
111406002Diffuse mesangial sclerosis
111407006Hemolytic uremic syndrome
112066009Absent renal function
118951003Drug-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
123609007Subacute glomerulonephritis
123610002Healed glomerulonephritis
123612005Healed pyelonephritis
123752003Immune-complex glomerulonephritis
123753008Nephrotoxic serum nephritis
124147007Deficiency of hypoxanthine oxidase
126880001Neoplasm of kidney
126881002Neoplasm of renal pelvis
127013003Diabetic renal disease
129128006Renal infection
155876003Non-functioning kidney
186796004Plasmodium malariae malaria with nephropathy
187144000Hydatid cyst of kidney
188250002Malignant neoplasm of kidney parenchyma
188252005Malignant neoplasm of renal calyx
188253000Malignant tumor of pelviureteric junction
190829000Chronic gouty nephropathy
194779001Hypertensive heart and renal disease with (congestive) heart failure
194780003Hypertensive heart and renal disease with renal failure
194781004Hypertensive heart and renal disease with both (congestive) heart failure and renal failure
194909006Acute pericarditis - uremic
197579006PGN - Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis
197580009Acute nephritis with lesions of necrotizing glomerulitis
197582001Acute glomerulonephritis associated with another disorder (disorder)
197583006Acute exudative nephritis
197584000Acute focal nephritis
197585004Acute diffuse nephritis
197589005Nephrotic syndrome with proliferative glomerulonephritis
197590001Nephrotic syndrome with membranous glomerulonephritis
197591002Nephrotic syndrome with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
197593004Nephrotic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality
197594005Nephrotic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions
197595006Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis
197596007Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
197597003Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis
197598008Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
197599000Nephrotic syndrome, dense deposit disease
197600002Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis
197601003Finnish congenital nephrotic syndrome
197603000Nephrotic syndrome associated with another disorder (disorder)
197604006Nephrotic syndrome in amyloidosis
197605007Kimmelstiel - Wilson disease
197606008Nephrotic syndrome in malaria
197607004Nephrotic syndrome in polyarteritis nodosa
197613008PGN - Chronic mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
197616000Chronic glomerulonephritis associated with another disorder (disorder)
197617009Chronic exudative glomerulonephritis
197618004Chronic focal glomerulonephritis
197619007Chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis
197626007Focal membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
197627003Recurrent benign hematuria syndrome
197629000Anaphylactoid glomerulonephritis
197659005Atrophy of kidney
197660000Renal fibrosis
197663003Impaired renal function disorder
197664009Phosphate-losing tubular disorders
197671004Renal function impairment with growth failure
197679002Glomerular disease
197681000Acute nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality
197682007Acute nephritic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions
197683002Acute nephritic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis
197684008Acute nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
197685009Acute nephritic syndrome, diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis
197686005Acute nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
197687001Acute nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease
197688006Acute nephritic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis
197689003Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome
197690007Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality
197691006Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions
197692004Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis
197693009Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
197694003Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis
197695002Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
197696001Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease
197697005Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis
197707007Chronic nephritic syndrome
197708002Chronic nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality
197709005Chronic nephritic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions
197712008Chronic nephritic syndrome, diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis
197713003Chronic nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
197714009Chronic nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease
197715005Chronic nephritic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis
197739000Glomerular disorders in blood diseases and disorders involving the immune mechanism
197742006Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in neoplastic diseases
197743001Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in blood diseases and disorders involving the immune mechanism
197744007Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in metabolic diseases
197745008Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in systemic connective tissue disorders
197747000Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection
197753000Nephropathy induced by heavy metals
197757004Late syphilis of kidney
197760006Chronic pyelonephritis without medullary necrosis
197761005Chronic pyelonephritis with medullary necrosis
197762003Chronic pyelitis
197763008Chronic pyonephrosis
197764002Non-obstructive reflux-associated chronic pyelonephritis
197769007Acute pyelonephritis with medullary necrosis
197770008Acute pyonephrosis
197772000Renal and perinephric abscess
197782004Pyelonephritis associated with another disorder (disorder)
197783009Pyelitis associated with another disorder (disorder)
197794008Staghorn calculus
197801000Single acquired kidney cyst
197802007Peripelvic (lymphatic) cyst
197813005Intrarenal hematoma
197817006Adhesions of kidney
198708004Incomplete legal abortion with renal failure
198747002Incomplete illegal abortion with renal failure
198949009Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
198951008Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - delivered
198952001Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - delivered with postnatal complication
198953006Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - not delivered
199007008Pre-existing hypertensive heart and renal disease complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
199110003Infections of kidney in pregnancy
199132007Pregnancy-related glycosuria
199134008Glycosuria during pregnancy - delivered
199135009Glycosuria during pregnancy - delivered with postnatal complication
199136005Glycosuria during pregnancy - not delivered
199137001Glycosuria during pregnancy with postnatal complication
200118004Post-delivery acute renal failure with postnatal problem
204938007Renal agenesis and dysgenesis
204941003Congenital renal atrophy
204942005Renal agenesis
204949001Renal dysplasia
204950001Bilateral renal dysgenesis
204957003Medullary cystic disease
204984002Fusion of kidneys
204985001Hyperplasia of kidney
210197003Closed injury of kidney
210203000Open injury of kidney
210205007Kidney hematoma without rupture of capsule, with open wound into cavity
210207004Complete disruption of kidney parenchyma with open wound into cavity
213150003Kidney transplant failure and rejection
213231008Hepatorenal syndrome as a complication of care
226309007Familial renal glucosuria
230970001Isolated non-nephrotic proteinuria
234348004Anemia of renal disease
234485006Epstein syndrome
236369004Renal acidemia
236374007Chronic infective interstitial nephritis
236375008Emphysematous pyelitis
236376009Infected renal cyst
236377000Fungal infection of kidney
236378005Candida pyelonephritis
236379002Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis
236380004Steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome
236381000Steroid-unresponsive nephrotic syndrome
236382007Steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome
236383002Familial mesangial sclerosis
236384008Congenital nephrotic syndrome with focal glomerulosclerosis
236385009Nephrotic syndrome with pseudohermaphroditism
236392004Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
236393009Endocapillary glomerulonephritis
236394003Idiopathic endocapillary glomerulonephritis
236395002Post-infective glomerulonephritis
236397005Post-infectious glomerulonephritis - Garland variety
236398000Idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis
236399008Steroid-sensitive minimal change glomerulonephritis
236400001Steroid-resistant minimal change glomerulonephritis
236401002Steroid-dependent minimal change glomerulonephritis
236402009Ischemic glomerulopathy
236403004FSGS - Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
236404005Classical focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
236405006Hyperfiltration focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
236406007Acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related nephropathy
236407003IgAN - IgA nephropathy
236409000Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis type III
236410005MCGN type IV - Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis type IV
236411009IgM nephropathy
236412002C1q nephropathy
236413007Membranous glomerulonephritis - stage I
236414001MGN stage II - Membranous glomerulonephritis - stage II
236415000Membranous glomerulonephritis - stage III
236416004MGN stage IV - Membranous glomerulonephritis stage IV
236417008Membranous glomerulonephritis stage V
236418003Thin basement membrane nephropathy
236419006Progressive hereditary glomerulonephritis without deafness
236422008Fechtner syndrome
236423003Renal impairment
236424009Acute renal impairment
236426006Postoperative acute tubular necrosis
236427002Post-traumatic acute tubular necrosis
236428007Nephrotoxic acute renal failure
236429004Acute drug-induced renal failure
236430009Pigment nephropathy
236431008Traumatic anuria - crush syndrome
236432001Pulmonary renal syndrome
236433006Acute-on-chronic renal failure
236434000End stage renal failure untreated by renal replacement therapy
236435004End stage renal failure on dialysis
236436003End stage renal failure with renal transplant
236438002Calcific papillary necrosis
236441006Acquired renal cyst with neoplastic change
236442004Acquired renal cyst without neoplastic change
236443009Medullary sponge kidney
236444003Microscopic nephrocalcinosis
236445002Macroscopic nephrocalcinosis
236446001Cortical nephrocalcinosis
236447005Medullary nephrocalcinosis
236451007Drobin's syndrome
236452000Chronic drug-induced interstitial nephritis
236453005Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis caused by heavy metal
236454004Chronic lead nephropathy
236455003Saturnine nephropathy
236456002Chronic cadmium nephropathy
236457006Chronic mercury nephropathy
236458001Granulomatous interstitial nephritis
236459009Malakoplakia of kidney
236460004Familial proximal renal tubular acidosis
236461000Type I renal tubular acidosis
236463002RTA Type IV - Type IV renal tubular acidosis
236464008Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism
236466005De Toni-Fanconi syndrome
236467001Acquired Fanconi syndrome
236468006Adult Fanconi syndrome
236469003Fanconi-like syndrome
236470002Specific renal tubule transport defect
236471003Low renal threshold for glucose
236472005High renal threshold for glucose
236474006Isolated hypercystinuria
236475007Dibasic aminoaciduria
236478009Dalmatian hypouricemia
236479001Magnesium-losing nephropathy
236480003Inherited magnesium-losing nephropathy
236481004Acquired magnesium-losing nephropathy
236482006Renal tubule insufficiency with biliary malformation
236483001Escape of urine from kidney
236484007Calyceal fistula
236485008Fistula from renal pelvis
236486009Extravasation of urine from renal pelvis
236487000Pararenal urinoma
236495001Urate nephropathy
236496000Acute urate nephropathy
236498004Renal disorders in systemic disease
236499007Microalbuminuric diabetic nephropathy
236500003Clinical diabetic nephropathy
236502006Renal involvement in scleroderma
236503001Acute scleroderma renal crisis
236504007Henoch-Schonlein nephritis
236505008Cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis
236506009Goodpasture's disease
236507000Renal involvement in malignant disease
236508005Malignancy-associated glomerulonephritis
236511006Macroglobulinemic nephropathy
236512004Leukemic infiltrate of kidney
236513009Lymphoma of kidney
236514003Toxic nephropathy
236515002Acute toxic nephropathy
236516001Acute lead nephropathy
236517005Acute cadmium nephropathy
236518000Acute mercury nephropathy
236519008Chronic drug-induced renal disease
236520002Gold nephropathy
236521003Penicillamine nephropathy
236522005Chronic cyclosporin A nephrotoxicity
236523000Chronic toxic interstitial nephritis
236524006Acute radiation nephritis
236525007Chronic radiation nephritis
236527004Nail patella-like renal disease
236528009Diffuse mesangial sclerosis with ocular abnormalities
236530006Pulmonic stenosis and congenital nephrosis
236531005Renal dysplasia and retinal aplasia
236532003Renal tubular acidosis with progressive nerve deafness
236535001Glomerulopathy with giant fibrillar deposits
236569000Primary non-function of renal transplant
236570004Renal transplant rejection
236571000Hyperacute rejection of renal transplant
236572007Accelerated rejection of renal transplant
236573002Very mild acute rejection of renal transplant
236574008Acute rejection of renal transplant
236575009Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade I
236576005Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade II
236577001Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade III
236578006Chronic rejection of renal transplant
236579003Mild chronic transplant nephropathy
236580000Chronic rejection of renal transplant - grade II
236581001Severe chronic transplant nephropathy
236582008Acute-on-chronic rejection of renal transplant
236583003Failed renal transplant
236584009Perfusion injury of renal transplant
236586006De novo glomerulonephritis
236587002Transplant glomerulopathy
236588007Transplant glomerulopathy - early form
236589004Transplant glomerulopathy - late form
236590008Cytomegalovirus-induced glomerulonephritis
236592000Stenosis of calyceal neck
236593005Secondary hydronephrosis
236614007Perirenal and periureteric post-transplant lymphocele
236708007Calyceal renal calculus
236709004Stone in calyceal diverticulum
236710009Calculus in renal pelvis
236711008Stone in PUJ - pelviureteric junction
236713006X-linked recessive nephrolithiasis with renal failure
237230004Uremia in pregnancy without hypertension
237612000Photomyoclonus, diabetes mellitus, deafness, nephropathy and cerebral dysfunction
239932005Primary pauci-immune necrotizing and crescentic glomerulonephritis
240317003Kidney injury due to birth trauma
253860008Pyelon triplex
253862000Trifid kidney
253864004Familial hypoplastic, glomerulocystic kidney
253865003Crossed ectopia of kidney, without fusion
253866002Crossed ectopia of kidney with fusion anomaly
253867006Thoracic kidney
253869009Cake kidney
253873007Duplex kidney with reflux in one ureter
253874001Duplex kidney with reflux in both ureters
253875000Congenital calyceal diverticulum
253876004Fibrocystic renal degeneration
253878003Adult type polycystic kidney disease type 1
253879006PKD2 - Polycystic kidney disease 2
253880009Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in childhood
253881008Cortical cystic disease
253882001Nephronophthisis - medullary cystic disease
253883006Multiple renal cysts
253884000Medullary sponge kidney with nephrocalcinosis
253885004Medullary sponge kidney without nephrocalcinosis
253886003Congenital obstructive defect of renal pelvis
253897003Congenital vesicoureterorenal reflux, bilateral
254092004Saldino-Mainzer dysplasia
254914004Tumor of kidney parenchyma
254915003Clear cell carcinoma of kidney
254916002Cystadenocarcinoma of kidney
254917006Papillary cystadenocarcinoma of kidney
254918001Sarcoma of kidney
254919009Cortical adenoma of kidney
254920003Cystadenoma of kidney
254921004Angiomyolipoma of kidney
254922006Oncocytoma of kidney
254923001Hemangiopericytoma of kidney
254924007Tumor of renal calyx
254925008Benign tumor of renal calyx
254927000Benign papilloma of renal pelvis
254928005Tumor of pelviureteric junction
262612001Foreign body in kidney
262891006Hematoma of kidney
262893009Laceration of kidney
262894003Rupture of renal pelvis
262900003Disruption of pelviureteric junction
266549004Nephrotic syndrome with minimal change glomerulonephritis
266556005Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter
267430007Renal glycosuria
268232000Bilateral renal hypoplasia
268234004Fibrocystic kidney disease
268854008Congenital renal failure
269257004Acute renal failure due to crush syndrome
269301005Renal failure as a complication of care
269489006Benign neoplasm of renal parenchyma
270494003Acute papillary necrosis
270517006Triple kidney with triple pelvis
270910001Medullary cystic disease, adult type
271387005Congenital enlarged kidney
274401005Uric acid renal calculus
275407001Double kidney with double pelvis
275408006Postoperative renal failure
275893001Phosphate kidney stone
276583007Newborn renal dysfunction
276584001Neonatal nephrocalcinosis
276585000Congenital nephritis
276586004Transient neonatal renal tubular acidosis
276627004Congenital uremia
276866009Benign tumor of pelviureteric junction
277010001Unexplained episode of renal transplant dysfunction
277011002Pre-existing disease in renal transplant
278531007Congenital hydrocalicosis
282364005IgA nephropathy associated with liver disease
283905005Avulsion of kidney
285639008Metastasis to kidney of unknown primary
298015003Acute renal papillary necrosis with renal failure
298127003Acquired calyceal diverticulum
301814009Post-renal renal failure
302922004Compensatory hypertrophy of single kidney
307309005Transient acute renal failure
307604008Mesoblastic nephroma
307755009Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder in systemic lupus erythematosus
309426007Diabetic glomerulopathy
310387003Diabetic intracapillary glomerulosclerosis
310647000Anemia secondary to renal failure
311366001Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome
311496007Extravasation of urine from kidney
314967004Local recurrence of malignant tumor of kidney
359694003Idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis, type II
361146001Congenital small renal papilla
361147005Congenital hypoplasia of renal papilla
363224005Neonatal renal disorder
363233007Nephrotic syndrome secondary to glomerulonephritis
363234001Nephrotic syndrome secondary to systemic disease
363286005Renal complication of procedure
363287001Renal failure associated with renal vascular disease
363457009Malignant tumor of renal pelvis
363518003Malignant tumor of kidney
370368007Renal candidiasis (disorder)
370493008Renal medullary washout (disorder)
370494002Protein-losing nephropathy (disorder)
371020003Renal hematuria (disorder)
373421000Diarrhea-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome (disorder)
373422007Diarrhea-negative hemolytic uremic syndrome (disorder)
373584008Congenital pelviureteric junction obstruction
373599008Multiple acquired kidney cysts (disorder)
373637000Congenital vesicoureterorenal reflux (disorder)
373651000Idiopathic hydronephrosis (disorder)
399094007Familial hematuria (disorder)
399190000Non-progressive hereditary glomerulonephritis (disorder)
399340005Hereditary nephritis (disorder)
405573009Acquired obstructive defect of renal pelvis (disorder)
405584002Traumatic rupture of kidney (disorder)
408642003Transitional cell carcinoma of kidney (disorder)
418839003Tubulointerstitial nephritis with uveitis syndrome (disorder)
420279001Renal disorder associated with type II diabetes mellitus
420514000Persistent proteinuria due to type 1 diabetes mellitus (disorder)
420715001Persistent microalbuminuria associated with type II diabetes mellitus
421305000Persistent microalbuminuria associated with type I diabetes mellitus
421893009Renal disorder associated with type I diabetes mellitus
421986006Persistent proteinuria due to type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder)
422593004Acute renal failure due to ACE inhibitor
423322005Recurrent obstructive pyelonephritis (disorder)
423533009Acute renal failure due to ischemia (disorder)
423919000Acquired caliectasis (disorder)
424114000Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (disorder)
424188009Idiopathic interstitial nephritis
425369003Chronic progressive renal failure (disorder)
425384007Sarcoidosis with glomerulonephritis (disorder)
425455002Diabetic glomerulonephritis
425879009AA amyloid nephropathy
426136000Delayed renal graft function (disorder)
426598005AL amyloid nephropathy
427555000Glomerulonephritis due to granulomatosis with polyangiitis
427649000Calcium renal calculus (disorder)
428255004Tubulointerstitial nephritis (disorder)
428720002Nephropathy due to heroin
429224003Acute renal failure due to acute cortical necrosis (disorder)
429489008Acute renal failure due to obstruction (disorder)
430031008Fetal hydronephrosis (disorder)
430035004Fetal pyelectasis
430535006Acute renal failure with oliguria (disorder)
431480000Nephrovisceral fistula (disorder)
431501001Pyelocutaneous fistula (disorder)
431855005Chronic kidney disease stage 1 (disorder)
431856006Chronic kidney disease stage 2 (disorder)
431857002Chronic kidney disease stage 4 (disorder)
433036004Diverticulum of renal calyx (disorder)
433144002Chronic kidney disease stage 3 (disorder)
433146000Chronic kidney disease stage 5 (disorder)
433229006Nephrocutaneous fistula (disorder)
438783006Acute postoperative renal failure (disorder)
439990003Drug-induced tubulointerstitial nephritis (disorder)
440018001Heavy-metal-induced tubulointerstitial nephritis (disorder)
441815006Proliferative glomerulonephritis
444558002Infantile nephronophthisis (disorder)
444645005Dent's disease (disorder)
444691002Necrosis of cortex of kidney (disorder)
444749006Adolescent nephronophthisis (disorder)
444794000Acute necrosis of cortex of kidney (disorder)
444830001Juvenile nephronophthisis (disorder)
444976001Congenital hemolytic uremic syndrome (disorder)
444977005Autosomal dominant focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (disorder)
445119005Steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome of childhood (disorder)
445120004Uremia due to inadequate renal perfusion (disorder)
445170001Macroalbuminuric diabetic nephropathy
445236007Cardiorenal syndrome (disorder)
445258009Idiopathic rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (disorder)
445388002Autosomal recessive focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (disorder)
445404003Familial immunoglobulin A nephropathy (disorder)
446449009Renal coloboma syndrome (disorder)
446923008Lipoprotein glomerulopathy (disorder)
446989009Nephronophthisis type 4 (disorder)
446991001Nephronophthisis type 5 (disorder)
447335007Nephronophthisis type 6 (disorder)
448215006Malignant epithelial neoplasm of renal pelvis (disorder)
449408005Disorder of kidney due to kappa light chain disease (disorder)
449409002Disorder of kidney due to lambda light chain disease (disorder)
449820008Steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome of childhood
473392002Hypertensive nephrosclerosis (disorder)
609452007Termination of pregnancy complicated by renal failure
609455009Termination of pregnancy complicated by acute renal failure
609472002Induced termination of pregnancy complicated by acute renal failure with oliguria (disorder)
609482001Termination of pregnancy complicated by renal tubular necrosis
609490001Termination of pregnancy complicated by uremia
698591006Benign hypertensive renal disease with renal failure (disorder)
698757009Nephropathy due to acquired urinary tract obstruction (disorder)
699055002Prominent renal pelvis
699322002Matrix stone of kidney
700107006Hypokalemic alkalosis with hypercalciuria antenatal type 1
700109009Bartter syndrome antenatal type 2 (disorder)
700111000Bartter syndrome type 3 (disorder)
700112007Bartter syndrome type 4
700378005Chronic kidney disease stage 3A
700379002Chronic kidney disease stage 3B
702391001Renal cell carcinoma
702397002Renal tubular dysgenesis (disorder)
702718005Acute on chronic interstitial nephritis
703310005Autosomal dominant progressive nephropathy with hypertension (disorder)
704055002Nephropathy induced by amphotericin
704203009Nephropathy induced by cyclosporine
704204003Nephropathy induced by lead
704205002Nephropathy induced by tacrolimus
704206001Nephropathy induced by aminoglycoside
704667004Hypertension concurrent and due to end stage renal disease on dialysis (disorder)
705065000Childhood nephrotic syndrome (disorder)
707148007Recurrent post-transplant renal disease (disorder)
707208009Familial reflux nephropathy
707221002Diabetic glomerulosclerosis
707324008Anemia in end stage renal disease
707332000Recurrent proliferative glomerulonephritis
707530009Cystic hamartoma of lung and kidney
707742001Bartter syndrome (disorder)
707751009Juxtaglomerular hyperplasia co-occurrent with secondary hyperaldosteronism (disorder)
707755000Familial hypokalemic and hypomagnesemic tubulopathy (disorder)
707756004Gitelman's syndrome
707770004Congenital duplication of renal collecting system
708127008Collagenofibrotic glomerulopathy (disorder)
708975004Mixed renal osteodystrophy (disorder)
709044004Chronic kidney disease
709978007Contracted kidney (disorder)
710565001Nephropathy due to ischemia
710571007Renal dysplasia due to fetal exposure to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
711531007Focal mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
712487000End stage renal disease due to benign hypertension
713313000Chronic kidney disease mineral and bone disorder
713453003Renal impairment caused by Polyomavirus (disorder)
713504001Nephropathy co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
713574000Malignant carcinoid tumor of kidney
713695001Nephrotic syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder)
713696000Renal failure syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
713825007Renal artery stenosis of transplanted kidney (disorder)
713886006Kidney disease caused by BK polyomavirus
713887002Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
714152005Chronic kidney disease 5d
714153000Chronic kidney disease stage 5 with transplant (disorder)
714813000Recurrent hematuria co-occurrent and due to dense deposit disease (disorder)
714814006Persistent hematuria co-occurrent and due to dense deposit disease (disorder)
714815007Recurrent hematuria co-occurrent and due to diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis (disorder)
714816008Persistent hematuria co-occurrent and due to diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis (disorder)
714817004Recurrent hematuria co-occurrent and due to diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis (disorder)
714818009Persistent hematuria co-occurrent and due to diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis (disorder)
716094008Fibulo-ulnar hypoplasia and renal anomalies syndrome (disorder)
716200002Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and intracranial calcification syndrome (disorder)
716657000Familial papillary thyroid carcinoma with renal papillary neoplasia syndrome (disorder)
716864001Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (disorder)
716999001Joubert syndrome with renal defect (disorder)
717187000Boichis disease
717191005Sporadic idiopathic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (disorder)
717263009Transient pseudohypoaldosteronism (disorder)
717734005Papillary thyroid carcinoma with renal papillary neoplasia (disorder)
717735006Renal cell carcinoma of kidney except renal pelvis (disorder)
717736007Familial renal cell carcinoma (disorder)
717742006Primary renal dysplasia (disorder)
717744007Secondary renal dysplasia (disorder)
717745008Bilateral secondary renal dysplasia (disorder)
717746009Congenital hemorrhagic renal cyst (disorder)
717748005Bilateral medullary sponge kidney (disorder)
717749002Bilateral multicystic renal dysplasia (disorder)
717750002Bilateral congenital primary hydronephrosis (disorder)
717760006Multi-drug resistant nephrotic syndrome (disorder)
717766000Alport syndrome autosomal dominant (disorder)
717767009Alport syndrome autosomal recessive (disorder)
717768004Alport syndrome X-linked (disorder)
717770008Aristolochic acid nephropathy (disorder)
717776002Acquired hydronephrosis due to bladder obstruction (disorder)
717789008Dent disease type 1 (disorder)
717790004Dent disease type 2 (disorder)
717791000Bartter syndrome type 4a (disorder)
717952004Acquired hydronephrosis due to ureteropelvic junction obstruction (disorder)
718141008Familial idiopathic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
718192000Non-amyloid fibrillary glomerulonephritis (disorder)
719839000Tubular renal disease with cardiomyopathy syndrome (disorder)
719840003Renal dysplasia with limb defect syndrome (disorder)
720414005Acrorenal mandibular syndrome (disorder)
720415006Acrorenoocular syndrome (disorder)
720458005Acrorenal syndrome (disorder)
720519003Atherosclerosis, deafness, diabetes, epilepsy, nephropathy syndrome (disorder)
720982007Alport syndrome, intellectual disability, midface hypoplasia, elliptocytosis syndrome (disorder)
721168004Hydronephrosis due to congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction
721173005Hypotonia cystinuria syndrome (disorder)
721175003Idiopathic glomerular disease (disorder)
721191000Necrosis of capillary of kidney due to glomerular disease (disorder)
721207002Seizure, sensorineural deafness, ataxia, intellectual disability, electrolyte imbalance syndrome (disorder)
721297008Galloway Mowat syndrome (disorder)
721840000Hyperuricemia, anemia, renal failure syndrome (disorder)
721862000Joubert syndrome with oculorenal defect (disorder)
721970009Persistent Mullerian derivative with lymphangiectasia and polydactyly syndrome (disorder)
722065002Okamoto syndrome (disorder)
722077007Renal papillary necrosis caused by analgesic drug (disorder)
722078002Obstructive nephropathy due to neurogenic bladder (disorder)
722081007Obstructive nephropathy due to prostate cancer
722082000Obstructive nephropathy due to prostatic hypertrophy
722085003Renal papillary necrosis due to sickle cell disease (disorder)
722086002Membranous glomerulonephritis due to malignant neoplastic disease (disorder)
722088001Obstructive nephropathy due to malignancy (disorder)
722089009Obstructive nephropathy due to bladder cancer (disorder)
722095005Acute kidney injury due to circulatory failure (disorder)
722096006Acute kidney injury due to hypovolemia (disorder)
722098007Chronic kidney disease following donor nephrectomy (disorder)
722118005Congenital nephrotic syndrome due to congenital infection (disorder)
722119002Idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis (disorder)
722120008Drug-induced membranous nephropathy
722139003Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis caused by lithium (disorder)
722147003Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis due to sickle cell disease (disorder)
722149000Chronic kidney disease following excision of renal neoplasm (disorder)
722150000Chronic kidney disease due to systemic infection (disorder)
722168002Membranous glomerulonephritis co-occurrent with infectious disease (disorder)
722223000Cyst of kidney (disorder)
722231005Perlman syndrome (disorder)
722278006Acute kidney injury due to sepsis (disorder)
722294004Autosomal dominant intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type E (disorder)
722369003Congenital nephrotic syndrome due to diffuse mesangial sclerosis (disorder)
722381004Congenital cataract, nephropathy, encephalopathy syndrome (disorder)
722431007Double uterus, hemivagina, renal agenesis syndrome (disorder)
722433005Dyschondrosteosis and nephritis syndrome (disorder)
722457005Juvenile cataract, microcornea, renal glucosuria syndrome (disorder)
722466009Traumatic loss of kidney (disorder)
722467000Chronic kidney disease due to traumatic loss of kidney (disorder)
722468005Distal renal tubular acidosis co-occurrent with sensorineural deafness (disorder)
722721004Familial hemolytic uremic syndrome (disorder)
722758004Complement component 3 glomerulopathy (disorder)
722759007Glomerulopathy with fibronectin deposits 2 (disorder)
722760002Dense deposit disease (disorder)
722761003Complement component 3 glomerulonephritis (disorder)
722948009Glomerular disorder due to non-neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis (disorder)
723074006Renal papillary necrosis due to diabetes mellitus (disorder)
723188008Renal insufficiency (disorder)
723189000Acute renal insufficiency (disorder)
723190009Chronic renal insufficiency (disorder)
723333000Faciocardiorenal syndrome (disorder)
723363009Hypotrichosis, lymphedema, telangiectasia, renal defect syndrome (disorder)
723373006Autosomal dominant medullary cystic kidney disease with hyperuricemia
723409007Multinodular goiter, cystic kidney, polydactyly syndrome (disorder)
723440000Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (disorder)
723449004Pierson syndrome (disorder)
723555007Thymic, renal, anal, lung dysplasia syndrome (disorder)
723720008Sex reversion, kidney, adrenal and lung dysgenesis syndrome (disorder)
723995003Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia (disorder)
723999009Retinitis pigmentosa, hypopituitarism, nephronophthisis, skeletal dysplasia syndrome (disorder)
724093004Nephropathy, deafness, hyperparathyroidism syndrome (disorder)
724094005Neonatal diabetes, congenital hypothyroidism, congenital glaucoma, hepatic fibrosis, polycystic kidney syndrome (disorder)
724099000Acquired monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain-associated Fanconi syndrome (disorder)
724282009Hypoparathyroidism, deafness, renal disease syndrome (disorder)
724469003Congenital secondary hydronephrosis (disorder)
724485008Gestational proteinuria without hypertension (disorder)
725033008Familial primary hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis without severe ocular involvement (disorder)
725592009Congenital membranous nephropathy due to maternal anti-neutral endopeptidase alloimmunization (disorder)
725905005Infundibulopelvic stenosis multicystic kidney syndrome (disorder)
725908007Neurofaciodigitorenal syndrome (disorder)
726017001Autosomal dominant medullary cystic kidney disease without hyperuricemia
726018006Autosomal dominant medullary cystic kidney disease
726082003Immunotactoid glomerulonephritis (disorder)
726106004X-linked diffuse leiomyomatosis with Alport syndrome (disorder)
726541005Acute kidney injury due to trauma (disorder)
733089005Spastic paraplegia, nephritis, deafness syndrome (disorder)
733096007Thyrocerebrorenal syndrome
733097003Ichthyosis, intellectual disability, dwarfism, renal impairment syndrome (disorder)
733116005Aniridia, renal agenesis, psychomotor retardation syndrome
733137002Acute kidney failure stage 1
733138007Acute renal failure stage 2
733139004Acute renal failure stage 3
733342000Ischemic contracture of kidney
733453005Congenital nephrotic syndrome, interstitial lung disease, epidermolysis bullosa syndrome
733470002Bellini carcinoma
733471003Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma
733472005Microcephalus, glomerulonephritis, marfanoid habitus syndrome (disorder)
733603009Tubulocystic renal cell carcinoma (disorder)
733608000Papillary renal cell carcinoma (disorder)
733650000Adult familial nephronophthisis with spastic quadriparesia syndrome (disorder)
733839001Postpartum acute renal failure (disorder)
734015000Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma (disorder)
734990008Primary hyperoxaluria type III (disorder)
735430007Irregularly contracted kidney (disorder)
735471001Complex renal cyst (disorder)
735474009Ischemia of kidney (disorder)
735475005Renal hypocalciuria (disorder)
736450002Partial traumatic rupture of ureteropelvic junction (disorder)
736451003Partial rupture of ureteropelvic junction (disorder)
736640009Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous
736992003Nephropathy following pre-eclampsia (disorder)
736993008Nephropathy following eclampsia (disorder)
737327002Renal failure following molar pregnancy (disorder)
737562008Multicystic renal dysplasia
762288006Neonatal hemorrhage of kidney (disorder)
762531008Renal hypersensitivity caused by drug
762907005Agenesis of left kidney
762908000Agenesis of right kidney
762909008Left renal agenesis co-occurrent with right renal hypoplasia
762910003Right renal agenesis co-occurrent with left renal hypoplasia
762911004Agenesis of right kidney co-occurrent with congenital dysplasia of left kidney
762912006Agenesis of left kidney co-occurrent with congenital dysplasia of right kidney (disorder)
762913001Left renal hypoplasia
762914007Congenital hypoplasia of right kidney
763891005Renal hepatic pancreatic dysplasia (disorder)
764694005Translocation renal cell carcinoma
764856008Acquired cystic disease associated renal cell carcinoma (disorder)
764961009Hereditary clear cell renal cell carcinoma
764990003Mucinous tubular and spindle cell renal carcinoma
765095002Renal medullary carcinoma
765154003Hypertrophy of right kidney co-occurrent and due to congenital hypoplasia of left kidney
765155002Hypertrophy of left kidney co-occurrent and due to congenital hypoplasia of right kidney
765330003Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (disorder)
765331004Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease type 1 with tuberous sclerosis (disorder)
765773009Atrophy of left kidney
765774003Atrophy of right kidney
765775002Dysplasia of left kidney
765776001Dysplasia of right kidney
765777005Congenital left vesicoureterorenal reflux
765778000Congenital right vesicoureterorenal reflux
765779008Reflux nephropathy of left kidney due to vesicoureteral reflux (disorder)
765780006Reflux nephropathy of right kidney due to vesicoureteral reflux (disorder)
766249007Lowe Kohn Cohen syndrome
766765009Radio-renal syndrome (disorder)
767094002Disorder of renal parenchyma (disorder)
128606002Disorder of the urinary system
443006Cystocele affecting pregnancy
715001Nontraumatic rupture of urethra
1046004Ureteritis glandularis
1469007Spontaneous abortion with urinary tract infection
1723008Urethral stricture due to schistosomiasis
1922008Congenital absence of urethra
4009004Lower urinary tract infectious disease
4127004Prostatic obstruction
4324001Subacute cystitis
4985009Disorder of urethra
5078000Scriver-Goldbloom-Roy syndrome
5093001Cystitis with actinomycosis
5112009Autonomic hyperreflexia of bladder
5945005Legal abortion with urinary tract infection
6134000Illegal abortion with oliguria
6929003Urethral caruncle
7163005Urinary tract obstruction
7350007Urethrovesical fistula
7358000Dysuria-frequency syndrome
7601009Double urinary meatus
7793005Disorder of the lower urinary tract
8041002Urethral ulcer
8776008Cystitis with amebiasis
8961006Mechanical complication due to repair of ureter without resection
9009001Low compliance bladder
11251000Irradiation cystitis
12011009Female urinary-genital tract fistula
12068006Prolapse of urethra
12301009Neonatal urinary tract infection
12454008Cauda equina syndrome with neurogenic bladder
12908005Extrinsic ureteral obstruction
13285005Cystitis cystica
13671009Congenital stricture of urethra
13806003Congenital anomaly of urethra
14365001Congenital prolapse of bladder
14568003Vesicocervicovaginal fistula
14981000Urethral fistula
15165002Urethrorectal fistula
16619007Congenital occlusion of ureter
17234001Allantoic cyst
17615006Hemorrhage into bladder wall
18109005Calculus in diverticulum of bladder
18241005Early urethral obstruction sequence
18675002Vesicoperineal fistula
19042000Congenital prolapse of urethra
19099008Failed attempted abortion with laceration of bladder
19228003Failed attempted abortion with perforation of bladder
19703005Ureteral sludge
20018005Occlusion of ureter
20025003Abscess of Cowper's gland
20342001Calculus in urethra
20407004Benign hematuria
20815007Exstrophy of cloaca sequence
20913004Urethrovesicovaginal fistula
21237001Postmenopausal urethral atrophy
21334005Failed attempted abortion with oliguria
22218007Lower urinary tract obstructive syndrome
22421007Congenital absence of bladder
22557000Bullous cystitis
22724000Injury of urethra
23402009Congenital stricture of ureterovesical orifice
24850009Injury of ureter
24868007Acute gonococcal cystitis
25341005Stricture of ureter
25463000Occlusion of ureter due to calculus
25474009Uterovesical fistula
26797002Hyperemia of bladder
27552001Damage to bladder following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy
28321004Vesicocutaneous fistula
28626004Vesicocolic fistula
29500006Urethral stricture due to syphilis
29864006Acute gonococcal urethritis
30116001Trichomonal urethritis
31054009Ureteric stone
31204009Calcification of bladder
31273004Urethral syndrome
31290005Congenital hydroureter
31915006Congenital deviation of ureter
32144005Traumatic anuria
32268008Tuberculosis of bladder
33046001Illegal abortion with urinary tract infection
33495006Pinhole meatus
33655002Chronic cystitis
34102000Acquired contracture of bladder neck
34145007Cervicovesical fistula
34409000Hemorrhage into bladder lumen
36139001Chronic ulcerating interstitial cystitis
36473002Legal abortion with oliguria
36699003Abscess of bladder
36775008Displaced ureteric orifice
37532005Ureterovaginal fistula
37939008Congenital anomaly of the bladder
38176009Urinary tract infection following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy
39199000Spontaneous abortion with laceration of bladder
40026008Acquired stenosis of bladder neck
40046003Intestinovesical fistula
40635000Cystitis due to Pseudomonas
41368006Disorder of urinary tract
42643001Disorder of bladder
43114002Chronic trigonitis
44412000Chronic gonococcal urethritis
44796002Ectopic ureter
46284005Congenital obstruction of bladder neck
46328008Injury of ureter without open wound into abdominal cavity
46442004Abscess of Littré's glands
48278001Diphtheritic cystitis
48337000Congenital stricture of urinary meatus
48980001Congenital obstruction of urethra
49496001Double ureter
49534003Congenital atresia of ureter
49698005Urinary complication
50029007Familial hypomagnesemia-hypercalciuria
50477003Urethrovaginal fistula
50986000Congenital fistula of urachus
51105006Nongonococcal urethritis due to Ureaplasma urealyticum
51794008Congenital anomaly of ureter
52123000Emphysematous cystitis
52620003Urethral atrophy
53212003Postobstetric urethral stricture
53247006Illegal abortion with laceration of bladder
53298000Hematuria syndrome
53944005Female urethrocele without uterine prolapse
53991003Cystitis with bilharziasis
54022006Urethroperineal fistula
54026009Cystitis with Echinococcus infestation
54679003Obstetrical trauma to bladder
55756002Complication of internal anastomosis AND/OR bypass of urinary tract including that involving intestinal tract
56574000Polyuric state
57243009Urinary fistula
575140003-Oxo-5 alpha-steroid delta 4-dehydrogenase deficiency
59020000Skene's gland adenitis
59859005Legal abortion with laceration of bladder
60210005Edema bullosum vesicae
60867007Klebsiella cystitis
61758007Exstrophy of bladder sequence
62199007Acute trigonitis
62500006Accessory bladder
62888008Legal abortion with perforation of bladder
63597007Complication of external stoma of urinary tract
63684002Hereditary hollow viscus myopathy
64283009Congenital rectovesical fistula
64727007Accessory ureter
64956000Follicular cystitis
65099004Endometriosis of bladder
65332001Diverticulitis of bladder
65885002Partial obstruction of the urinary tract
66892003Failed attempted abortion with urinary tract infection
67224007Reiter's disease
67277002Urethral abscess
67853001Polyp of urethra
68226007Acute cystitis
68301001Vesicorectal fistula
68566005Urinary tract infectious disease
68666001Bladder fistula
69015003Double urethra
69784004Ruptured bladder with uroperitoneum
70650003Urinary bladder stone
70795003Urethral cyst
72222004Papillary cystitis
72225002Urethral stricture due to gonococcal infection
72613009Spontaneous abortion with oliguria
72815004Cystitis glandularis
74829002Persistent cloaca
74919005Congenital stricture of ureter
74944002Urethral false passage
75073007Malakoplakia of bladder
76618002Urethral stricture
77165001Injury of bladder
77761000Congenital absence of ureter
79184009Trabeculated bladder
79315005Mechanical complication due to urethral indwelling catheter
79509009Calculus of lower urinary tract
79788002Atresia of urinary meatus
80375002Urethral stricture due to infection
80438008Illegal abortion with perforation of bladder
80797002Congenital stricture of vesicourethral orifice
80969003Postoperative kinking of ureter
81107006Congenital diverticulum of bladder
81125004Acute hemorrhagic cystitis
81359005Tuberculosis of ureter
81771002Opitz-Frias syndrome
82635007Accessory urethra
82800008Dipsogenic diabetes insipidus
82916009Female prostatic obstruction syndrome
84619001Nongonococcal urethritis
85467007Spontaneous abortion with perforation of bladder
86009008Postoperative bladder perforation
86113003Complete obstruction of the urinary tract
86347007Traumatic urethral stricture
87093008Congenital urethrorectal fistula
87553000Uteroureteric fistula
87696004Hemorrhagic cystitis
88813005Chronic gonococcal cystitis
89310008Contracted bladder
89405008Vesicovaginal fistula
89486006Oliguria OR anuria due to procedure
89656008Urethral meatitis
89891003Follicular urethritis
90531003Urethral diverticulum
91210006Congenital anourethral fistula
91977009Benign neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder
91980005Benign neoplasm of apex of urinary bladder
91992005Benign neoplasm of bladder
92179009Benign neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder
92273004Benign neoplasm of paraurethral glands
92305008Benign neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder
92317005Benign neoplasm of rectovesical septum
92452001Benign neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder
92463003Benign neoplasm of urachus
92464009Benign neoplasm of ureter
92465005Benign neoplasm of ureteric orifice of urinary bladder
92466006Benign neoplasm of urethra
92467002Benign neoplasm of urinary bladder neck
92468007Benign neoplasm of urinary system
92536001Carcinoma in situ of anterior wall of urinary bladder
92538000Carcinoma in situ of apex of urinary bladder
92546004Carcinoma in situ of bladder
92638007Carcinoma in situ of lateral wall of urinary bladder
92676001Carcinoma in situ of paraurethral glands
92690003Carcinoma in situ of posterior wall of urinary bladder
92774006Carcinoma in situ of trigone of urinary bladder
92781004Carcinoma in situ of urachus
92782006Carcinoma in situ of ureter
92783001Carcinoma in situ of ureteric orifice of urinary bladder
92784007Carcinoma in situ of urethra
92785008Carcinoma in situ of urinary bladder neck
92786009Carcinoma in situ of urinary system
93044000Congenital convoluted ureter
93046003Congenital cyst of bladder
93052002Congenital dilatation of bladder
93245009Congenital hypoplasia of bladder
93675008Primary malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder
93689003Primary malignant neoplasm of bladder
93863000Primary malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder
93944002Primary malignant neoplasm of paraurethral glands
93972009Primary malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder
93983000Primary malignant neoplasm of rectovesical septum
94109006Primary malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder
94120006Primary malignant neoplasm of urachus
94121005Primary malignant neoplasm of ureter
94122003Primary malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice of urinary bladder
94123008Primary malignant neoplasm of urethra
94124002Primary malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder neck
94125001Primary malignant neoplasm of urinary system
94171008Secondary malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder
94186002Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder
94374009Secondary malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder
94468008Secondary malignant neoplasm of paraurethral glands
94500000Secondary malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder
94512001Secondary malignant neoplasm of rectovesical septum
94647000Secondary malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder
94658009Secondary malignant neoplasm of urachus
94659001Secondary malignant neoplasm of ureter
94660006Secondary malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice of urinary bladder
94661005Secondary malignant neoplasm of urethra
94662003Secondary malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder neck
94663008Secondary malignant neoplasm of urinary system
94740008Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of anterior wall of urinary bladder
94743005Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of apex of urinary bladder
94754000Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bladder
94903008Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lateral wall of urinary bladder
94984000Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of paraurethral glands
95012001Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of posterior wall of urinary bladder
95023002Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of rectovesical septum
95149005Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of trigone of urinary bladder
95160001Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of urachus
95161002Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ureter
95162009Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ureteric orifice of urinary bladder
95163004Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of urethra
95164005Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of urinary bladder neck
95165006Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of urinary system
95233002Retrocaval ureter
95567008Traumatic hematuria
95574003Stenosis of ureter
95576001Dilatation of ureter
95585001Detrusor muscle paresis
95586000Bladder telangiectasia
95587009Fibrosis of urinary bladder
95588004Obstruction of urethra
95889002Mycoplasmal pyelonephritis
109840002Primary malignant neoplasm of cloacogenic zone
109870007Overlapping malignant neoplasm of urinary system
111409009Ulcerative cystitis
111410004Hypertrophy of bladder
111411000Postoperative urethral stricture
111412007Urethral granuloma
111830007Tuberculosis of urinary organs
118642009Congenital anomaly of the urinary tract
123611003Subacute pyelonephritis
123754002Focal pyelonephritis
123755001Diffuse pyelonephritis
126649009Neoplasm of rectovesical septum
126879004Neoplasm of urinary system
126882009Neoplasm of ureter
126883004Neoplasm of urethra
126884005Neoplasm of paraurethral glands
126885006Neoplasm of bladder
126886007Neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder
126887003Neoplasm of apex of urinary bladder
126888008Neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder
126889000Neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder
126890009Neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder
126891008Neoplasm of urinary bladder neck
126892001Neoplasm of ureteric orifice of urinary bladder
126893006Neoplasm of urachus
128073008Disorder of ureter
129595005Frozen urethra syndrome
179101003Urethritis due to Chlamydia trachomatis
188239000Malignant tumor of trigone of urinary bladder
188240003Malignant neoplasm of vault of bladder
188241004Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder
188242006Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder
188243001Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder
188244007Malignant tumor of bladder neck
188245008Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice
188247000Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of bladder
188256008Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of urinary organs
197768004Acute pyelonephritis without medullary necrosis
197805009Postoperative ureteric constriction
197811007Vesicoureteric reflux
197816002Ureteric fistula
197818001Adhesions of ureter
197821004Ureteric polyp
197823001Megaloureter - acquired
197834003Chronic interstitial cystitis
197836001Panmural fibrosis of bladder
197837005Submucous cystitis
197845000Cystitis associated with another disorder (disorder)
197848003Gonococcal cystitis
197849006Cystitis in moniliasis
197850006Trichomonal cystitis
197853008Recurrent cystitis
197861003Vesicosigmoidal fistula
197866008Diverticulum of bladder
197867004False diverticulum of bladder
197868009False bladder diverticulum
197870000Acontractile detrusor
197871001Hypotonicity of bladder
197872008Bladder inertia
197876006Bladder sphincter paralysis
197881002Nontraumatic rupture of bladder
197887003Bladder hemorrhage
197890009Hourglass bladder
197892001Squamous metaplasia of bladder
197903003Candidal urethritis
197907002Ulcer of urethral meatus
197919005Stenosis of urinary meatus
197926005Postoperative urinary tract infection
197927001Recurrent urinary tract infection
197928006Chronic urinary tract infection
197938001Painless hematuria
197939009Painful hematuria
197940006Microscopic hematuria
197941005Frank hematuria
197942003Clot hematuria
197954003Urinary calculus in schistosomiasis
199111004Urinary tract infection following delivery
199205008Infections of bladder in pregnancy
199206009Infections of urethra in pregnancy
204847000Congenital fistulae between uterus and digestive and urinary tracts
204849002Congenital uterovesical fistula
204886001Hypospadias and epispadias
204888000Hypospadias, penile
204889008Hypospadias, penoscrotal
204890004Hypospadias, perineal
204891000Hypospadias, balanic
204967008Renal pelvis and ureter obstructive defects
204973009Simple ureterocele
204974003Impervious ureter
204991004Deviation of ureter
204998005Urethra and bladder neck atresia and stenosis
204999002Atresia of bladder neck
205000002Stenosis of bladder neck
205003000Atresia of anterior urethra
205004006Stenosis of anterior urethra
205016000Malformation of urachus
205022009Congenital bladder hernia
205023004Congenital prolapse of bladder mucosa
205024005Congenital hourglass bladder
205026007Epispadias, female
205027003Hypospadias, female
210213008Closed injury of urethra
210215001Bladder and urethra injury with open wound into cavity
210216000Open injury of bladder
210217009Open injury of urethra
210220001Ureter injury with open wound into cavity
211648000Foreign body in bladder and urethra
211649008Foreign body in bladder
211650008Foreign body in urethra
213063007Mechanical complication of cystostomy catheter
213065000Mechanical complication of ureter repair graft
213137004Infection and inflammatory reaction due to prosthetic device, implant and graft in urinary system
213235004Urinary complications of care
213238002Oliguria as a complication of care
213239005Anuria as a complication of care
213241006Malfunction of external stoma of urinary tract
230402000Panmural cystitis
231860006Proteinuria - cause not known
235066005Oral lesions in Reiter's syndrome
235781009Intestinourinary fistula
235782002Ureteric fistula to small intestine
235783007Ureteric fistula to colon
235784001Rectourinary fistula
235785000Ureteric fistula to rectum
236373001Emphysematous pyelonephritis
236591007Upper urinary tract dilatation and obstruction
236594004Obstructive hydroureter

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
Source The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code