NAPKON Vaccination Module
1.0.0 - trial-use

NAPKON Vaccination Module - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions



COVID-19 Immunization

COVID-19 immunization event

Immunization reactions

Allergic Reaction To Vaccination

Whether a vaccination caused an allergic reaction

Vaccination Injection Site Pain

Pain intensity at vaccine injection site at rest or movement

Vaccination Injection Site Erythema

Size of an erythema at a vaccine injection site

Vaccination Injection Site Swelling

Size of an swelling at a vaccine injection site

Body Temperature After Vaccination

Maximal body temperature after a vaccination event (indicating fever)

Analgesic Antipyretic Intake After Vaccination

Whether a patient took analgesic or antipyretic drugs after a vaccination event

General Complaints After Vaccination

General complaints after a vaccination event

Medical Treatment For Vaccination Adverse Reaction

Whether a patient underwent medical treatment for a potential or actual adverse reaction to a vaccination event

COVID-19 infection & treatment

COVID-19 Encounter

Whether a patient underwent medical treatment for COVID-19

SARS CoV2 Infection

Profile to capture the diagnosis of disease caused by 2019 novel coronavirus.

SARS CoV2 Variant

Variant/strain of detected SARS CoV2 (Pango Cov-lineage)

COVID-19 Oxygen Therapy

Indicating whether a COVID-19 patient received an oxygen therapy


Regular Alcohol Intake

Whether a patient regularly drinks alcohol

Regular Alcohol Intake Quantity

How many alcoholic drinks a patient usually drinks per day


Whether a patient is or has been receiving a chemotherapy within the last 3 months

Immunomodulatory Therapy

Whether a patient is receiving an immunosuppressive or -modulatory therapy


Additional Vaccination Willingness

Response to AdditionalVaccinationWillingnessQuestionnaire