NAPKON Vaccination Module
1.0.0 - trial-use

NAPKON Vaccination Module - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: CTCAE Grade Value Set


Defining URL:
Title:CTCAE Grade Value Set
Status:Active as of 2021-12-10T11:47:18+00:00

CTCAE Grades 0 through 5. The grade of the adverse event, determined by CTCAE criteria, where 0 represents confirmation that the given adverse event did NOT occur, and 5 represents death. Note that grade 0 events are generally not reportable, but may be created to give positive confirmation that the clinician assessed or considered a particular AE.

Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle


Logical Definition (CLD)



This value set contains 6 concepts

Expansion based on CTCAE Grade Code System v1.0.0 (CodeSystem)

All codes in this table are from the system

0Absent Adverse EventThe absence of adverse events or within normal limits or values.
1Mild Adverse EventAn experience that is usually transient, and requires no special treatment or intervention. The event does not generally interfere with usual daily activities. Includes transient laboratory test alterations.
2Moderate Adverse EventAn experience that is alleviated with simple therapeutic treatments. The event impacts usual daily activities. Includes laboratory test alterations indicating injury, but without long-term risk.
3Severe Adverse EventAn adverse event experience that requires intensive therapeutic intervention and interrupts usual daily activities.
4Life Threatening or Disabling Adverse EventAny adverse event that places the patient, in the view of the initial reporter, at immediate risk of death from the adverse event as it occurred, i.e., it does not include an adverse experience that, had it occurred in a more severe form, might have caused death.
5Death Related to Adverse EventThe termination of life associated with an adverse event.

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
Source The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code