NAPKON Vaccination Module
1.0.0 - trial-use

NAPKON Vaccination Module - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Questionnaires

These define forms used by systems conforming to this implementation guide to capture or expose data to end users

Additional Vaccination Willingness

Willingness of the patient to receive additional COVID-19 vaccination if officially recommended

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide

Additional Vaccination Willingness

Response to AdditionalVaccinationWillingnessQuestionnaire

Allergic Reaction To Vaccination

Whether a vaccination caused an allergic reaction

Analgesic Antipyretic Intake After Vaccination

Whether a patient took analgesic or antipyretic drugs after a vaccination event

Body Temperature After Vaccination

Maximal body temperature after a vaccination event (indicating fever)

COVID-19 Encounter

Whether a patient underwent medical treatment for COVID-19

COVID-19 Immunization

COVID-19 immunization event

COVID-19 Oxygen Therapy

Indicating whether a COVID-19 patient received an oxygen therapy


Whether a patient is or has been receiving a chemotherapy within the last 3 months

General Complaints After Vaccination

General complaints after a vaccination event

Immunomodulatory Therapy

Whether a patient is receiving an immunosuppressive or -modulatory therapy

Medical Treatment For Vaccination Adverse Reaction

Whether a patient underwent medical treatment for a potential or actual adverse reaction to a vaccination event

Regular Alcohol Intake

Whether a patient regularly drinks alcohol

Regular Alcohol Intake Quantity

How many alcoholic drinks a patient usually drinks per day

SARS CoV2 Infection

Profile to capture the diagnosis of disease caused by 2019 novel coronavirus.

SARS CoV2 Variant

Variant/strain of detected SARS CoV2 (Pango Cov-lineage)

Vaccination Injection Site Erythema

Size of an erythema at a vaccine injection site

Vaccination Injection Site Pain

Pain intensity at vaccine injection site at rest or movement

Vaccination Injection Site Swelling

Size of an swelling at a vaccine injection site

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

Analgesics Antipyretics

Analgetic and antipyretic drugs

COVID-19 Vaccination Contraindications

Contraindications precluding COVID-19 vaccination

COVID-19 Vaccination Reasons

Individual reason for getting vaccinated against COVID-19

COVID-19 Vaccine Codes

COVID-19 Vaccine Codes (vaccines approved in the European Union)

CTCAE Grade Value Set

CTCAE Grades 0 through 5. The grade of the adverse event, determined by CTCAE criteria, where 0 represents confirmation that the given adverse event did NOT occur, and 5 represents death. Note that grade 0 events are generally not reportable, but may be created to give positive confirmation that the clinician assessed or considered a particular AE.

Complaint Intensity

Intensity of general complaints

Detected Not Detected Unknown Undetermined

Values for laboratory observations

Encounter Ambulatory Emergency Inpatient

ValueSet to determine the encounter type of a patient

Encounter HomeHealth Ambulatory Inpatient

ValueSet to determine the encounter type of a patient

General Complaints After Vaccination

General complaints after vaccination

Immunosuppressive Immunomodulatory Therapy

Immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory procedures / therapies codes

Pain Provoking Factor

Pain provoking factors

Present Not Present Undetermined Other

Values for laboratory observations


EventStatus value set restricted to codes not-done, active, completed and unknown

Severity Grading

Scale to grade the severity of an outcome/condition/observation

Yes No Unknown

Yes / No / Unknown

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

CTCAE Grade Code System

Common terminology criteria (CTC) grades associated with the severity of an adverse event, expressed as integers, 0 through 5, with 0 representing no adverse event, and 5 representing death.

NAPKON Vaccination Module Codes

NAPKON Vaccination Module Code System - Collection of vaccination module-specific codes that are missing from common terminologies such as SNOMED CT

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like

Additional Vaccination Willingness

Example of a subject who is willing to receive an additional COVID-19 vaccination if it is officially recommended

Allergic Reaction To Vaccination Instance

Example of an undetermined state of an allergic reaction cause by a vaccine

Allergic Reaction To Vaccination Instance

Example of a free-text answer to an allergic reaction caused by vaccination

Analgesic Antipyretic Intake After Vaccination

Example of an antipyretic drug taken after a vaccination event

Body Temperature After Vaccination

Example of a not measured body temperature after vaccination

Body Temperature After Vaccination

Example of an elevated body temperature after vaccination

Body Temperature After Vaccination

Example of an elevated body temperature after vaccination

Medical Treatment For Vaccination Adverse Reaction

Example of a patient hospitalized for a potential or actual adverse reaction to a vaccination event

COVID-19 Oxygen Therapy

Example of a COVID-19 patient who received an oxygen therapy

COVID-19 Vaccination Done

Example of a patient having received a vaccination

COVID-19 Vaccination Not Done

Example of a patient not receiving a vaccination due to pregnancy

COVID-19 Vaccination Not Done Reason Other

Example of a patient not receiving a vaccination due to a specified (free-text) ‘other reason’


Example of a patient not receiving chemotherapy during the last 3 months


Example patient to be used as reference in other instances

General Complaints After Vaccination

Example of a chill after a vaccination event

Immunomodulatory Therapy

Example of a patient receiving an immunosuppresive therapy

Immunomodulatory Therapy

Example of a patient not receiving an immunosuppresive therapy

Medical Treatment For Vaccination Adverse Reaction

Example of a patient treated in the mergency room or by a general practitioner for a potential or actual adverse reaction to a vaccination event

Medical Treatment For Vaccination Adverse Reaction

Example of a patient hospitalized for a potential or actual adverse reaction to a vaccination event

Regular Alcohol Intake

Example of a patient who drinks a single drink per week

Regular Alcohol Intake

Example of a patient who drinks at least 4 drinks per week

Regular Alcohol Intake

Example of a patient for whom the alcohol intake is unknown

Regular Alcohol Intake

Example of a patient who does no longer drink alcohol

Regular Alcohol Intake Quantity

Example of intake of 5 or more alcoholic beverages per day

Regular Alcohol Intake Quantity

Example of a patient for whom the quantity is unknown

SARS CoV2 Infection

Example of a patient with a SARS CoV2 infection

SARS CoV2 Infection

Example of a patient without SARS CoV2 infection

SARS CoV2 Infection

Example of an unknown SARS CoV2 infection

SARS CoV2 Variant

Example of a SARS CoV2 variant (Pango lineage)

Vaccination Injection Site Erythema

Example of a 2.5-5 cm erythema at a vaccine injection site

Vaccination Injection Site Pain Rest

Example of mild pain at vaccine injection site at rest and movement

Vaccination Injection Site Swelling Instance

Example of a 5.1-10 cm swelling at a vaccine injection site