1.0.0 - ci-build

NAPKON GECCO+ - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

..0 Table of Contents
...2 Profiles
...3 Code Systems
...4 Value Sets
...5 Extensions
...6 Examples
...8 Change Log
...9 Artifacts
....9.1 Electrocardiography
....9.2 Heart Rate
....9.3 Atrioventricular Block
....9.4 Bundle Branch Block
....9.5 Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
....9.6 Echocardiography Findings
....9.7 Laboratory Diagnostics
....9.8 EQ-5D Questionnaire
....9.9 PROMs Questionnaire
....9.10 Allergies
....9.11 EQ5D Questionnaire Response
....9.12 Highest school degree
....9.13 PROMS Response
....9.14 Symptoms
....9.15 Urine Diagnostics
....9.16 Urine Specific Gravity
....9.17 Urine Urobilinogen
....9.18 Allergies (ICD-10-GM)
....9.19 Allergies (SNOMED CT)
....9.20 Detected Not Detected Unknown Undetermined
....9.21 EQ5D section one answers
....9.22 EQ5D section two answers
....9.23 EQ5D section three answers
....9.24 EQ5D section four answers
....9.25 EQ5D section five answers
....9.26 Laboratory Diagnostics
....9.27 Normal Pathologic
....9.28 PROM responses in the context of GECCOplus
....9.29 Positive Negative Codes
....9.30 Present Not Present Undetermined Other
....9.31 RestrictedEventStatus
....9.32 School Degree
....9.33 Symptoms (ICD-10-GM)
....9.34 Symptoms (SNOMED CT)
....9.35 Urine Diagnostics
....9.36 Urine Specific Gravity
....9.37 Urobilinogen Diagnostics
....9.38 Yes No Unknown
....9.39 GECCOplus Module Codes
....9.40 Example responses to EQ-5D questionnaire
....9.41 ExamplePatient
....9.42 Highest School Degree Example
....9.43 PROMs Questionnaire example responses
....9.44 Instance of profile symptoms in the context of geccoplus
....9.45 Instance of profile symptoms in the context of geccoplus
....9.46 Instance of profile symptoms in the context of geccoplus
....9.47 Urine Diagnostics Example
....9.48 Urine Diagnostics No Ketones Example
....9.49 Urine Specific Gravity Example
....9.50 Urobilinogen Normal
....9.51 Urobilinogen Pathologic
....9.52 Instance of profile allergies with expression -confirmed- in the context of geccoplus.
....9.53 Instance of profile allergies with expression -refuted- in the context of geccoplus.
....9.54 Instance of profile allergies with expression -unknown- in the context of geccoplus.